Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information that are sent to the browser you are using and stored in your computer, mobile phone or other device when you visit any website. Cookies resend information to the site each time you revisit it.

Cookies may be either permanent (in this case persistent cookies), which remain on your computer until you delete them, or temporary (defined as cookies intended for sessions of limited duration), where they only persist until you close your browser.

Cookies may be first-party cookies, which are those set by the website currently visited, or third-party cookies, which are set by someone other than the owner of the website being visited.

How we use cookies

We use cookies for various reasons that will be explained later. It is unfortunate that in most cases there are no standard options for disabling cookies without disabling the features and features offered by this site. It is recommended that you allow all cookies if you are not sure whether you need them or not in order to avoid disabling any service you use.

Disable cookies

You can block cookies from your browser settings (you can use your browser’s help corner to do this). Be aware that when you do this you will also disable the features of the number of other sites you visit. So it’s a good idea that you don’t disable it.

Cookies we use

Account cookies

If you have created an account with us, we manage the registration process and general administration via cookies. These files are usually deleted when you log out, but they may sometimes go astray without deletion to remember your options when you log out.

Login cookies

We use cookies when you log in to remember this. This will prevent you from having to log in frequently every time you visit the site. These cookies are usually removed when you log out to ensure that your account features are accessed only when you are logged in.

Form cookies

When you submit data via an online form such as on the “Contact Us” page or comment forms, the files remember your options if they are used in the future.

Cookies for site properties

To provide the best user experience for this site, we provide the feature to set your preferences for the work of the site when you visit it. For the purpose of remembering these preferences, we need to set cookies so that this information can be recalled when needed when you interact with the Site.

Third-party cookies

In some special cases, we also use cookies provided by third parties. This section will show details of these files that you may find on this site.

Third-party cookies

In some special cases, we also use cookies provided by third parties. This section will show details of these files that you may find on this site.

This site uses Google Analytics, a popular service with a high prevalence and a reliable statistical system that allows us to follow and understand how you use the site and ways we can develop it to suit your experience. These cookies may track things like how long you’ve been on the site and the pages you’ve visited so that we can continue to add engaging content.

For more information about Google Analytics cookies, you can visit the official website of the service.

Every now and then we experiment with new features and make minor changes to the way the site is presented. When we test these features, these cookies may be used to ensure that you have a coordinated experience and at the same time be able to keep track of which of these modifications will attract the interest of visitors.

The Google Adsense service that we use to display advertisements uses DoubleClick cookies for the purpose of displaying relevant advertisements and limiting the number of times they are shown to you.

For more information, you can visit the official website and read the privacy policy of Google Adsense

We use advertisements to cover the operating fees of the site and provide the necessary funding for its better development. The advertising behavior of the cookies used on this website is designed to ensure that we deliver advertisements within the interests of the visitor and this is done by tracking the interests of the visitor without saving his identity information.

Many partners allow us if our customers have visited the site through a partner so that we can appropriately adopt them and where this allows our affiliates to provide any return they may make.

We also use social networking tools such as plugins and buttons on this site that allow you to connect your social networks in several ways. To ensure this works, these social networks – Facebook, Twitter, and Google + – include cookies that they set through the site and which may be used to enhance your account with them or contribute to the data collected for several reasons that are mentioned in their privacy policy.